Gary Young, II - Charlotte City Council District 2
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Candidate's Questionnaire Answers:
How will you ensure LGBTQ+ people are fairly represented on advisory boards and commissions? Do you support the creation of an LGBTQ+ Liaison on staff to better communicate and represent LGBTQ+ issues within the City Manager's office?
In working closely with the Carolinas LGBT Chamber of Commerce, I'll ensure that their organization continues to have a seat on the City's business organizations; and, explore opportunities to expand these capacities to other Boards under the City's purview. I do support the creation of such role as there are many intricate understandings of the community, that having someone from within it helps staff and Council understand the implications of policy on LGBTQ+ issues; but, reciprocally, it allows for someone to be a liaison to convey to the community how such policy is of benefit.ÂWhat will you do (or have you done) to address the affordable housing crisis that plagues Charlotte? What plans do you have to ensure Charlotte develops sustainably for future generations?
Affordable is a relative term to what a person makes or can afford, meaning that economic gain is the ultimate uplifting from one's housing situation. With this, bringing real jobs to underserved communities and impoverished citizens changes their ability to afford housing throughout Charlotte. Further, we must protect those who have been in their homes for a plethora of years. Freezing property taxes for those who meet a threshold would ensure we are not displacing people from their homes of 20-50+ years. This facet would be a core area of focus in working with my fellow Councilmembers.What actions do you support (or have you supported) to ensure people's jobs pay a wage sufficient enough to live and thrive in Charlotte? What next steps and investments do you support to strengthen the Corridors of Opportunity?
Having been in a position of making $20K+ below the City's Average Median Income, I understand that just having a job is not enough when that job does not allow you to sustain a livelihood for your family. Just as I feel that the State should increase wages for its employees across the board, I think that the City and private corporations within it should pay their employees suitable wages. Whereas companies are private entities that governments don't control, I'd work closely with them to advocate for programs that create jobs with increased wages for citizens around my district; then expand said programs across the City.What specific actions do you support (or have you supported) to address the racial inequities and lack of economic mobility in Charlotte?
As a Charlotte native, I've been personally impacted by the City being 50/50 in socioeconomic mobility. This is the driving force behind me running for Council, as I understand that if I am blessed to have the resources, connections, and relationships that I do but yet still struggle to garner employment or the opportunity to build for my family, I know that many that aren't afforded the same luxuries are in a far worst position; and, I want to leverage my role on City Council to open the door of opportunities to a sector of the community that is often neglected. As Chairman & President of the Black Chamber, my fiduciary duty was to advocate for advancement and opportunities for Minority organizations; and, I still do the same work in my 9-5 capacity as a Supplier Diversity Manager.What actions do you support (or have you supported) to create a transportation network that provides people with efficient, affordable, and timely options to get around the city? What steps do you believe are necessary to address the inefficiencies and safety issues with CATS?
This particular issue is keen to the West side of Charlotte, as their access is still dubious compared to the rest of the City. Extending the Gold Line down Beatties Ford so that communities such as Washington Heights and Lincoln Heights can be connected, not only to downtown, but also to the East side of Charlotte. With Charlotte being one of the most economically segregated cities in the country, we need a system that bridges various parts of town to others. I would love to see a transportation system where kids off of Tuckaseegee have the opportunity to travel and be exposed to the South side, and reciprocally allow kids from the South to explore and experience the West side in their adolescence. This harmonizes to create a more inclusive Charlotte for the future.