Commissioner Mark Jerrell

What steps will you take (or have you taken) to ensure LGBTQ+ people who live in, work in, or visit Mecklenburg are protected against discrimination? What steps do you support (or have you done) to protect equitable access to healthcare for all people, including Transgender people?

I believe that it is important for elected officials to implement policy and support measures related to eliminating discrimination in all areas of our community. To that end, I was actively engaged in ensuring that Mecklenburg County passed a non-discrimination ordinance and included language that focused on eliminating discrimination by employers based on natural hairstyles.

The issue of access to healthcare (physical and behavioral) is a critical component to ensuring equity for our residents. Our transgender youth and adults continue to have too many barriers as it relates to access to healthcare services. I strongly believe that we need providers and health systems that are knowledgeable, culturally competent and clearly understand the financial barriers to treatment.

I will continue to advocate for the need to expand the current services delivered by Mecklenburg County Public Health. The new Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) facility will address the mental health needs for residents and allow us to move from the criminalization of mental health and provide residents with the resources needed to improve the quality of their lives.

What will you do (or have you done) to maintain equitable access to green spaces and parks in Mecklenburg County? What plans do you have to ensure affordable housing to Mecklenburg County residents?

Equitable access to green spaces and parks in our County is one of the Board of County Commissioners top priorities. It is abundantly clear that too many residents and communities have been under-served as it relates to green spaces and parks, which is almost always tied to socio-economic status. I have supported measures to review inequities, and implement the “park equity” plan that graded our parks and identified specific parks that needed to be prioritized. Prior to the plan referenced above, there were multiple parks in my District that were under-served and have received an increase in support and upgrades. Specific examples include, Pearl St, Albemarle Rd, Grier Heights and Mason Wallace. In addition, I was able to obtain support to address the lack of connectivity, which resulted in the Briar Creek, McAlpine Creek and Reedy Creek Greenways being added to the accelerated greenway list.

As the Chair of the Inter-Governmental Relations committee, I was able to work with the City of Charlotte Inter-Governmental Relations Committee to produce a joint resolution that addressed the need to work together to improve equity with respect to green spaces, parks and connectivity. In addition, I am proud to serve on the Environmental Stewardship committee where we approved the Environmental Leadership Action Plan, which has an unprecedented focus on environmental justice and racial equity.

Finally, affordable housing is one of the primary focus areas for the BOCC and I have been a vocal proponent for the County to take an active role on the issue. While the County will continue to provide support through wrap around services, I have advocated for support to include providing rent subsidies and leveraging County land to provide affordable housing units for our most vulnerable. I am also proud to have garnered support for the implementation of the County's H.O.M.E.S. program, which provides direct subsidies to reduce the impact of gentrification on property taxes and rising property values. Finally, since being elected, I have directly supported thousands of additional units for our most vulnerable residents.

What actions do you support (or have you supported) to ensure people have equitable access (including transportation and housing) to jobs that provide a living wage, including supporting minority-owned businesses? How are you addressing the Leandro ruling to ensure equitable access to education?

Livable wages are an important component to the economic mobility and sustainability for our residents. Since being elected, I have supported measures to increase wages for all county employees and have lobbied our corporate community to work with us to similarly support Mecklenburg County residents.

Minority owned businesses play a critical role in positively contributing to our local and regional economy. Despite the lack of opportunity and access, many minority owned businesses continue to thrive in an eco-system that has too many systemic barriers, which result in grave inequities.

As a small business owner, I was actively involved in highlighting barriers experienced by minority owned businesses and I will continue to advocate for measures that include access to capital, information and support.

The County’s Small Business Lending program and Loan Stabilization fund have successfully supported minority owned businesses and it is imperative that we continue to educate the community on available resources that will allow for expansion and growth of this segment of the economy.

With racism being declared a public health crisis, what steps do you support (or have you supported) to address the racial inequities that exist in Mecklenburg County? These include but are not limited to environmental racism, overpolicing, and healthcare access.

I have taken multiple steps to address racial inequities in Mecklenburg County. I am proud to have been the sponsor of the resolution declaring “Racism as a Public Health Crisis”. I was also able to garner support to implement the County’s “Equity Investments” initiative. Finally, I am very proud to have been one of two Commissioners that commissioned the research related to documenting the history of systemic racism in Mecklenburg County. If we are going to move forward and seriously address the issue of inequity, it is imperative that we understand the historic, systemic and institutional nature of the issue.

Thanks for sharing your vision of how to make Mecklenburg a more equitable, inclusive place! Are there any additional comments or initiatives you'd like to share?

While there are many areas that I am proud to have supported or championed, it is important to point out that we have a long way to go as it relates to achieving equity and leveling the playing field for all residents in our community.