Robert Hillman

What steps will you take (or have you taken) to ensure LGBTQ+ people who live in, work in, travel to Charlotte are protected against discrimination and included at all levels of decision-making?

I have and will:

(1) Work to elect a State Legislature that supports equality per the State and US Constitutions and does not use pre-emption to block local efforts to address discrimination.

(2) Be intentional about including members of the LGBTQ+ community into the policymaking/decision making process. Provide a seat at the table.

(3) Promote community conversations to educate people about their biases and the harm that such bias inflicts on victims and society.

What will you do (or have you done) to address the affordable housing crisis that plagues Charlotte? What plans do you have to ensure Charlotte develops sustainably for future generations?

I will:

(1) Work with city, regional, state and federal officials to implement an affordable housing plan/strategy, including the creation of land trusts and the initiation of anti-displacement measures to mitigate the impact of rising land prices on the working poor.

(2) Work with city, regional, state and federal officials to improve our transportation options, including building a better bus network, additional light rail, greenways, bikeways and quality sidewalks.

(3) Develop a marketing campaign around voucher programs to get more landlords to take vouchers.

(4) Promote home buying programs along with financial literacy.

What actions do you support (or have you supported) to ensure people have equitable access (including transportation) to jobs that provide a living wage?

I will:

(1) Work with city, regional, state and federal officials to improve our transportation options, including building a better bus network, additional light rail, greenways, bikeways and quality sidewalks.

(2) Encourage companies (or entrepreneurs) to develop or subsidize “last mile" shuttles that connect transportation hubs to office and industrial parks to allow workers to get to work.

(3) Improve the broad band network capacity/speeds to promote and enhance remote work.

(4) Support critical workforce development programs that “upskill" workers to put workers in a place where they can obtain higher wages. I will engage area companies and educational institutions to develop public private partnerships to provide boot camps to quickly give workers a leg up the higher paying jobs in the region.

With racism being declared a public health crisis, what steps do you support (or have you supported) to address the racial inequities that exist in Charlotte? These include but are not limited to environmental racism, overpolicing, and access to healthcare.

(1) To address the current multiple crises in public health I think it is important to remove barriers to access to health care professionals. There are not enough doctors, dentists and mental health professionals. To address this we need to:

- Prioritize primary care dentist and doctor training

- Incent dentists and doctors to treat low income patients with higher reimbursement rates

- Promote telemedicine

- Engage in healthcare literacy campaigns

- De-stigmatize mental healthcare

(2) Oversight boards for police in addition to adding ride along social services or mental health professionals.

(3) Promote community conversations to educate people in charge of systems about their biases and the harm that such bias inflicts on victims and society.

(4) Teach history so that we do not repeat it.

(5) Encourage people to utilize mental health services, to engage in “Self-care Sundays” and to take a mental health break by exploring our greenways.

Are there any additional comments or initiatives you'd like to share?

As a finance executive in investment banking, investment advisor in financial markets, engineer and public servant for nearly 30 years, I have used my expertise to help our community. Base on that service, I believe in 3 principals for a stronger and vibrant future for Charlotte as the next District 6 City Council member:

Growing Together: I believe that creating public/private partnerships and workforce development programs will create jobs and economic growth. I support a Unified Development Ordinance that will allow for sustainable growth and a more equitable future for Charlotte. Growing together also means working to increase the upward mobility for all of our citizens, protecting our clean air and water and transitioning to clean renewable energy.

Moving Together: I believe that an improved multimodal transportation system will help build our economy, enhance job opportunities and improve our quality of life. I will work with city, regional, state and federal officials to improve our transportation options, including building a better bus network, additional light rail, greenways, bikeways and quality sidewalks.

Safer Together: I believe that the safety of our residents is critical to the growth of our community. I will work with police, first responders and the community to build stronger relationships to ensure that all residents of Charlotte can feel safe in their daily lives.

In summary, I firmly believe that we are STRONGER TOGETHER, than we are apart and I want to work to create an environment in Charlotte where we leverage this strength.